yong sama maki style
more than several years ago, Japan was hit by a huge storm of korean soap operas, called "kan dora", short for Korean dramas. a bit later than the hype, I had my share of a few kan dora as one of my colleagues who then used to be a HUGE fan, was kind to share her favorites by loaning her collection of DVDs. Typically stories are heart-breaking yet innocent love stories.
There was a legendary soap opera - "fuyu no Sonata" - literally translating into "winter sonata" of which the main character is bae Yong-joon playing the role of kan joon-sun. all the Japanese girls and women, especially housewives, simply fell in love with the princely bae yong-joon who went on to became a sensation in japan. if you ask any japanese woman, I am sure he is still remembered and very popular.
In the series, bae or better known as yong sama wore his stole uniquely started a trend called "yong sama maki" meaning way of wearing a stole a la yong sama. so here you go, here is how you do it. another way to enjoy and flaunt your beautiful your stole.