makimono journey

Makimono (means "wrap things" in Japanese) is my passion turned into a select boutique based on my journeys in India, where I connected with the beautiful and diverse handloom community of artisans. we showcase our collection through various pop-up shops as well as private trunkshows across USA and asia including japan.


Hand-made textiles have always been deeply rooted in me since childhood watching my mother dress in her kimono and the various hand knitted items she used to make for me. Makimono brings japanese aesthetics in modern Indian artisanal handloom with eco-friendly & sustainable elements.


India conjures many thoughts and images, what comes to your mind? Festivals, ancient civilizations, temples, colours, people, cuisine..... It is that and so much more. For me, in addition to the tourist branding - "Incredible India!" - I have been blessed to be introduced to one of India's richest heritage - the art of handloom weaving. 

インドというと、皆さんは何を思い浮かべられるでしょうか。様々なお祭り、古代文明、寺院、鮮やかな色彩、人々、そしてスパイシーなインド料理。。。私としてはインド政府観光局が観光を宣伝する際に使われている”incredible india!”以上にまさにincredible indiaであり、インドを代表する伝統工芸の一つである手織物という素晴らしい芸術、そして手織りの芸術に携わる数多くの素敵な人々に出会ったことが私の’インド’です。

The history of handloom dates back to over 4,000 years, when cotton-spinning along with handloom weaving started in the indus・Harappan Civilization. Since then India has been offering some of the most exquisite hand-woven textiles, from cotton, silk, pashmina to wool. Each region of India offers different craftsmanship using vivid natural colours, unique techniques and various looms.


Throughout history, handicrafts has been part of an important source of livelihood in India, especially in remote areas. After agriculture, handicrafts is the second largest employer in rural India, with many agricultural communities depend on it as secondary form of income, especially during times of drought, lean harvests and famines. 


Makimono proudly presents to you an eclectic selection of contemporary yet classic handloom scarves & stoles produced by our partner Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and social entrepreneurs that we have personally visited and hand-selected during our off-the-beaten-track travels through India. 

makimonoでご紹介するスカーフは、そんな地方に点在する手織物の中でも、大量生産をしている業者から取り寄せているのではなく、女性の自立を支援するNGO団体や、手織り業の担い手が減少してしまい、地方ならではの特色のある手織物を伝承し続ける若手social entrepreneurより、一つ一つのスカーフを私自身が現地で自分の目で見、心で感じた上で中間業者を通さず直接買い付けています。

Our partner organizations are micro-weavers, striving to preserve and promote the historical work of rich art using authentic way of handloom weaving using natural fibers and eco-friendly dyes. Each product is handwoven by skilled weavers. Depending on the complexity of the weave, it can take anywhere from 3 days up to 6-months to complete one product.

makimonoが提携しているのは、伝統的な手織り技法を重んじつつも天然な素材を、自然に優しい染料を用いて紬いだ糸を手織りにするという小規模な手織り業者のみです。それぞれのスカーフには作った人のstoryが込まれ、スカーフの大きさ、模様の細かさにもよりますが、1点を作成し終えるのに6ヶ月強かかる超大作もあります。また、makimonoの売り上げの一部は女性の自立を支援するプログラム、女子が高等教育を受けられるために募っている奨学金に寄付するなど社会貢献(social cause)目的に各団体に寄付されています。

By purchasing our product, you help support the lives of thriving weavers and provide an entire community a better standard of living, improved education, as well as empower women in rural parts of India. Thereby, allowing for the rich history and tradition of hand weaving to continue and flourish. 

Finally, please kindly note all of our products are handwoven so that each piece is unique and quantity is limited. 




makimono founder - Ako morabia