long weekend
So, month of May usually is a busy month for families with children in America as it is the school year-end. And it had been or rather still has been a busy month but a very good one for me.
Work wise, looking back, I kicked off the month by participating in a pop-up at a wine/cheese bar in San Jose, hosted a Mother's Day sale here at the house, traveled to Waikiki for a pop-up at Kupulau. Away from that, my family spoiled me with making breakfast and some lovely gifts for Mother's Day.
Memorial Day weekend was a good wrap-up for such a busy month. We were able to enjoy the sun and some down time with family and friends. One of the highlight was that I was able to put together some flower arrangement using fresh seasonal flowers from our garden.
さて、その忙しい5月も終了しようとしている中、先週末はMemorial Day(戦没将兵記念日)で昨日月曜が祝日となりLong Weekend。アメリカではかなりメジャーな祝日です。私たちは自宅にて久しぶりに家族全員で過ごす時間が出来、私は庭にある季節の花を使い自己流のアレンジメントを作ったり、BBQをしたりで楽しい時間を過ごすことが出来、あと残り少ない5月への活力としてみます。