A Quick Visit to Maki Textile Studio
This summer, rain season, Tsuyu finished earliest ever this year, for the first time, in the month of June. Summer officially had started right after as we kicked off our annual Japan trip in Tokyo, actively engaging doing makimono related work away from hosting a private makimono sale at my ex-work place.
東京滞在中の目的はもう一つありました。以前と言っても二昔前以上になりますが、東京に在住していた際に当時青山にあったMaki Textile Studioさんへ頻繁に散歩がてら足を運んでいました。東京近郊、あきる野市へ拠点を移されてからも、週末プチ遠足的に家族であきる野の竹の家にも伺っていました。今年2月にインド北部を訪れた際にお邪魔したGanga Makiのオープンハウスに伺いましたのは以前ブログにも記述しましたが、今回の竹の家は美的感性を養うには絶好な環境にて、個人的にも大変充実した時間を過ごすことが出来ました。
Another mission we had during our stay in Tokyo was to visit Maki Textile Studio in Akiruno City, outskirts of Tokyo. Maki Textile Studio was one of our destinations to stop by while we lived in Tokyo years ago, during their time they had their flagship store in Omotesando/Kottodori. Even after they shifted their shop to Akiruno City, about 50 minutes from downtown Tokyo, we used to make an outing on weekends. Last February, as Ganga Maki hosted an open house in foothills of Himalayas, I paid a visit along with my textile friends. This time at Maki Textile Studio, my time was spent on learning and feeling the beauty, professionalism and the craftsmanship that makes Maki Textile simply divine.